About the LMGA

Regular play

MGA Play Days continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday of each week.

Major tournaments

Major Member Tournaments will again be sponsored by the MGA. This means that you will see more logistical support to your Club Championship, Member-Member, and Member-Guest. Enrollment in the MGA is not required to play in these events, but the board is committed to making these specific tournaments as robust and fulfilling as possible. MGA Members who do participate in these events will receive $20 off their registration fees. If an MGA Member plays all three major tournaments, their savings of $60 in total registration will have paid for their enrollment in the MGA for the year!

Social events

If there is anything Legacy Members enjoy almost as much as playing the course, it's having a cocktail in the Bear's Den post round. The MGA Board would like again to offer social events after a late afternoon round of 9-Hole Golf to facilitate fellowship among the members and staff. Watch out for more regular special events like Couples Wine & Dines, Cross Country Tournaments, Couples 9 hole scrambles and more throughout the season, capping each event off with a drink or meal at the bar.

MGA charter

The Board is in the process of reviewing and modifying the charter of the Legacy Men's Golf Association to better support the members, and more involvement of Legacy Golf Links events in the future. The board plans to add two more elected seats to the board with voting privileges. We aim to have these amendments in place to prior to the next election in December 2024, so the new board will take effect with an updated charter and procedures based on lesson's learned from the 2024 planning and execution efforts.

Membership benefits

Reduced dues

Renewing membership for 2024 is $45. This will include regular season dues plus $5 entry into the hole-in-one fund.

Reduced registration fees

MGA Members will enjoy reduced registration costs for all Legacy Golf Links Major Tournaments and MGA Social Events. Traditionally, the MGA has offset the cost of these events and provided funds for catering and bar services. Moving forward, MGA Members will receive additional savings for registration when participating in MGA Sponsored Events.

Hole-in-one fund

Entry into the $5 Hole-in-One fund provides financial backing to be used towards the bar tab for MGA members who card an Ace during MGA play.

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